CDAN: This oh so demanding curvy top 40 singer with the famous pipes, has a bit of a towel problem. Seems she makes one of her people go buy fresh towels daily. Yes, brand new towels must be used everyday irregardless of whether a towel was used the day before or not. Seems that our singer thinks that towels that have been hanging collect too much dust, and so wants fresh ones daily so she is always clean. I guess no one has bothered to tell her that they are gathering even more dust sitting in the store, or on the shelves of her home awaiting their first use. Hey, at least all her staff, their friends and family have more towels than they know what to do with.
Methinks: Mariah Carey
"Irregardless" is not a word. Get a dictionary.
Who friggin' well cares if someone wants new towels every day? While you're getting the dictionary, get a life too.
Posted by: DMacFly | October 06, 2007 at 03:10 AM
an erroneous word that, etymologically, means the exact opposite of what it is used to express, attested in non-standard writing from 1912, probably a blend of irrespective and regardless. Perhaps inspired by the double negative used as an emphatic.
It's not the best choice, but IT IS A WORD. Perhaps DMacFly is the one in need of a Dictionary.
Posted by: Sonia | October 07, 2007 at 10:29 PM
Sonia, you are irradorable.
You forgot to include this sentence from the definition you found in your online dictionary: "Irregardless is avoided by careful users of English." At any rate, the person in the Towel Users post used this "erroneous" word erroneously.
Posted by: DMacFly | October 17, 2007 at 09:01 AM