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October 05, 2007



"Irregardless" is not a word. Get a dictionary.

Who friggin' well cares if someone wants new towels every day? While you're getting the dictionary, get a life too.


an erroneous word that, etymologically, means the exact opposite of what it is used to express, attested in non-standard writing from 1912, probably a blend of irrespective and regardless. Perhaps inspired by the double negative used as an emphatic.

It's not the best choice, but IT IS A WORD. Perhaps DMacFly is the one in need of a Dictionary.


Sonia, you are irradorable.

You forgot to include this sentence from the definition you found in your online dictionary: "Irregardless is avoided by careful users of English." At any rate, the person in the Towel Users post used this "erroneous" word erroneously.


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