I had been saving this one to combine it with a jackass, but I just feel like I need a kindness today. Writing this kindness is hard for me, because of my overall negative feelings for the person involved, which should give you a big clue. She is a B list actress, hit television show, and been in some really bad movies. And no, it isn't Denise Richards. You can be sure I will never write a kindness about her, even if she saves the life of a school bus full of nuns. Anyway, this actress is a publicity hungry piranha, except when it comes to one thing. For the past few years, this actress quietly sneaks off to some after school programs to help disadvantage children with their schoolwork, to mentor them, and just to make them laugh and smile. She has a circle of schools and programs she attends, and makes an effort to go to at least one a week, and if she skips a week, makes it up with two visits the following week. She does this because she feels it is important, and not for any publicity or attention. The kids love when she goes. They all loved her before she got famous and love her the same now. Since here recent success, she has donated money to many of these programs and to scholarships to enable these children to continue on to college. Because it is the holiday season, I have decided to give the evil one her due, and to applaud her for her selflessness this one time.
Methinks: Eva Longoria